
Orientation Council meeting and welcoming of the new Provincial Superior of the MCCJ

Published on February 04, 2020

On Saturday 23rd November 2019, the Orientation Council of the Missionary Centre LAUDATO SI (CMLS) met in its ordinary session. This session was extended to the Executive Coordination (EC) to review the progress of the Centre.

The following points were placed on the agenda:

1. State and assessment of the Centre's activities

The members of the Board discussed issues relating to administrative, technical and financial management during its first year of existence as well as lessons learned, challenges encountered and future prospects.
Emphasis was placed on the systematization of activities within the pilot parish, St. John Paul II, initially following a program established with all its components for the integration of the ecological question into a pastoral dimension for the protection of our Common House.

2. Strategic planning and operational plan of activities

In order to have a wider time horizon on the Centre's activities, the Orientation Council opted developing a three-year strategic plan for the Centre from 2020 - 2022.
This strategic planning will be finalized by the Executive Coordination on the basis of the initial documents that led to the creation of the Centre, updated by the wealth of data collected during the two symposium organized by the Centre and by the lessons learned through the activities carried out during the first year of the Centre. The fruitfulness of the exchanges with state and non-state partners provides a broader framework for reflection and action and opens the Centre to other opportunities for the development of a more relevant ecological pastoral care.
The operational plan 2020 will be the emanation of the strategic plan and will be based on the 2019 plan, not all of whose planned activities have been implemented. Capacity building activities will be intensified, initially, in favour of the pastoral actors of the Parish of St John Paul II and the Deanery of St Gabriel in harmony and strong synergy with the Pastoral Centre LINDONGE. Particular attention will be paid to the school and academic environments with a view to integrating the ecological question into the education and training courses.


3. Resource mobilization

The Council exercised the option of thanking the main donors, especially the Comboni provinces of Europe and North America, for the financial support received which made possible to carry out all the activities of the Centre such as : the 1st and 2nd Symposium, Formation sessions, fitting out the Centre's facilities, the acquisition of animation and sensitization materials and supplies, the publication of the proceedings of the 1st Symposium and the production of the book "Children, this land is in your hands! »…). It was decided that letters of thanks will be sent to all these provinces for their solidarity.
The Council is considering diversifying the sources of funding through other strategies for mobilizing financial resources for the implementation of activities. In this context, micro-projects prepared by the Executive Coordination on the basis of the operational plan will be sent to other technical and financial partners for fundraising.
The contacts initiated with the German organization Missio must be consolidated to lead to additional financial support.

4. Process for setting up the Centre's Control Commission and process for convening the Annual General Meeting

The Board decided to set up the Centre's Control Commission in accordance with the Statutes and Internal Regulations. The members proposed that two members (one lay and one missionary) be rapidly identified according to the relevant criteria.
The Executive Coordination was instructed to develop the criteria for the appointment of these two members so that the Control Commission meets the imperative of ensuring sound management of the Centre's resources and means. 
With regard to the convening of the first General Assembly of the Centre, the Council considered that it was premature given that the process of recruitment and membership is underway. In the second half of the year 2020, it can be envisaged to hold the Sectoral Assemblies (lay and missionary) and to explore the avenues for the holding of the General Assembly.

5. Welcome and exchanges with the new Provincial Superior of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus (MCCJ)

During this session of the Orientation Council, one of the highlights was the welcoming and presentation of the Reverant father Léonard NDJADI as the new Provincial Superior of the MCCJ.
In accordance with the Statutes of the Centre, the latter will succeed Fr. Joseph MUMBERE as President of the Orientation Council as from 1 January 2020. While remaining Legal Representative of the Centre, Fr Joseph MUMBERE will sit as a Member of the Policy Council in charge of Partnership and Resource Mobilization.
After thanking the members of the Board and those of the Executive Coordination present at the session, Father Léonard NDJADI promised to work with all the organs of the CMLS in a spirit of collaboration and mutual reinforcement. The meeting ended with a family meal shared in a spirit of conviviality.

The Executive Coordination


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