Work Streams

The activities of the Missionary Center are structured around the following three axes:


The Centre builds on capacity building programs at all levels by implementing the following activities:
♦  Thematic training sessions;
♦  Open days;
♦  Full-immersion actions on the ground;
♦  Awareness campaigns;
♦  Conferences – debates;
♦  International, regional and national symposia…

The Centre promotes studies and research related to environmental issues, the protection of creation and ecological citizenship.
It also offers specialized documentation in its various fields of intervention and proposes the creation of a Resource Centre. It intends to promote a network of actors interested in environmental issues at local, national, regional and international level.

The Centre proposes to carry out and support micro-projects carried out by communities, young people and women in both urban and rural areas within the relevant themes of the environment sector, in particular:
♦  Sustainable management of natural resources (forests, biodiversity, ecosystems, mineral resources, fresh water, soil, etc.);
♦  The pollution;
♦  The treatment of waste;
♦  The climate change;
♦  Environmental education and ecological citizenship.