The Youth Commission of the Parish of St. John Paul II in collaboration with the Missionary Center "Laudato Si" organized a Youth Parish Week, SPJ in short, from July 15th to 21st 2019. The central theme of this event was: « Young, Discover your Identité ». A theme chosen by the Archdiocese of Kinshasa for young people throughout this pastoral year 2018-2019.
The objective of the week was, on the one hand, to support young people through different formation courses, games and competitions so that they could discover their talents. On the other hand, the members of the Center's Executive Coordination presented the Center's reason being, vision, origin, objectives and areas of intervention. Some documentary videos on the encyclical "Laudato Si" have been screened to strengthen the capacities of these young people in this discovery of their identity so that they adopt a responsible attitude towards the challenges related to the protection of the environment, especially in our municipality of Limete. For example, each day was closed by the cleaning of the parish compound by these young people to contribute to the emergence of an ecological pastoral care within the Parish.
Begun on Monday, July 15th, the week's activities ended on Sunday, July 21st 2019 with a Gala evening. During this evening, the Youth Commission and the Missionary Center "Laudato Si" officially handed out gifts to all those who participated in the week's various games and competitions, namely: Budding genius and/or Eco-quiz, best voices, Scrabbles, Ping-Pong, Babyfoot, Dance competitions, and so on. Through this Youth Parish Week, a partnership was launched between the Youth Commission of Saint John Paul II Parish and the Missionary Center "Laudato Si" to educate and train the children and young people of the parish in ecological citizen so that they become aware of their responsibility in protecting the environment and safeguarding our common home. In the future, several activities for young people will therefore be organized in the parish of Saint John Paul II in close collaboration between the parish commission for young people and the Missionary Center "Laudato Si" for the emergence of a pilot ecological pastoral care in the archdiocese of Kinshasa.
Kinshasa 24th July 2019 F. Boniface GBAMA Deputy Director
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